To create a new page, you have to be able to manage the pages or an admin. If you are, then you first login. Then at the top right click on 'Admin'. Now you are in the administrator view, where you can manage your pages, forms, etc. Click on Content >> Pages. This is a list of pages on your site. The 'Status' column indicates if the page is active and viewable. To create a new page click on the 'Create Page' link above the list of pages. Now you can enter your page name, the privacy level (who can view this page) and where the link to the page will be located (top nav, primary nav or nowhere). The page type determines what this page 'is'. Normal content - You can add your own text/content, images, tables, iframes, embeded content, etc. This is done with a built-in RTE (Rich Text Editor). Full Page Widget - You can display items (events, fundraisers, etc.) that have been added to your organization's site. Specific Item - You can display a single item (event, fundraiser, etc.) that has been added to your organization's site. Redirect - Immediately redirect the user to another page when the link is clicked. This is helpful when sending the user to other sites. If you are using 'Normal content' then after the page is saved/created you can click on the section of the page where you want to add your content.
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