We understand most nonprofits have different needs and processes.  That's why Duplie offers a customizable platform so you can add and remove features to meet your needs.  To access your configuration, simply login as an administrator.  Then click on Action and Configuration.  There you will be displayed a modal that has all customizable configurations available.  They are grouped by a category of which it relates (Event, User, etc.).  

Here are some of the configurations:

  • Weekly email to volunteers about upcoming opportunities (you pick the day to send the email)
  • Notify an email for every sign up or cancellation across all your events
  • Allow Skill Tracking - You enter the skills/interests that users can then add to their profile.  These skills/interests should also be added to the event roles to allow volunteers to filter opportunities based on matches.
  • Monthly Birthday List - Send an email with the birthdays next month.
  • Change the hours before the cancellation is considered a 'Late Cancellation'
  • Enable 'Volunteer Rating' which gives administrators a 5-star rating on each volunteer and summary.

These are just a few of the configurations.  Check them out for yourself!


Configuration Screen
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