2-Way SMS is the ability for your Duplie instance to receive SMS/Text messages and perform an action or you can respond.  To automate a response, you can setup text codes which will respond with custom data, text, links, etc..  For this you need to have a Premium or higher plan.  If you are on a plan that supports this, then you can add your own Text Codes by going to Site and Text Codes.  There you can add a unique code like '123' and configure a link or custom SMS response back to the person.  By default we already have built-in text codes:

  • volunteer - This returns a list of volunteer openings that are available.
  • schedule - This returns the user's upcoming schedule with a link.
  • register - Returns a link to register as a user on your Duplie instance.
  • donate - Returns a link to your fundraiser donation page.
  • confirm - This will confirm their sign-up they are scheduled for (if the event asks to confirm on their reminder).  If multiple, we will send links to confirm each.
  • cancel signup - Will cancel the user's next sign up if they only have one.  If the user has more than 1 upcoming sign ups, it will send them a link to their profile to login and cancel.
  • sick - Will cancel the user's sign ups in the next 24 hours.
  • check in - This will check in the volunteer for a scheduled sign up (if they have one), or create a general sign up (if general sign ups are allowed).  Volunteer will need to text 'check out', 'finish' or 'end' when they are finished.
  • check out - Check out from an already checked in sign up.  This will return the total recorded minutes of service.
  • info - send me keywords I can use to get information
  • begin <service name> - Creates a general sign up for the user (defaults to 1 hour service if they don't text back to check out).  Volunteer should also text back in 'end' to check out from their service.  Duplie will record the time in between.

For messages that do not match a list of your SMS Codes, we consider those Incoming SMS (or SMS replies).  This could be someone replying to a text that Duplie sent confirming their sign up, or a reminder.  In those situations we can display that message on your Duplie Users Dashboard.  You can then respond via SMS/Text inside Duplie!

By default, you will use a shared Duplie phone number that we use for most of our instances.  On the Pro Plan you can request your own phone number for SMS.  The benefit of having your own number is your SMS Codes can be anything and we can identify your organization without needing to match on the user's phone number for SMS replies.

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