Within Duplie when you invite or email (via campiagn), we have the ability to track Opens, Clicks and Responses.  This feature is available on the Premium Plan.

Event Invites

As an admin, when you go into an event and click on Actions and Invite.  This will display a modal where you can add users, upload .CSV of emails, or select certain Duplie groups to invite to the event.  Once you have all the users/groups you want to invite, click on Send Email Invites.  This will prompt you to enter the subject and message to send to the recipeints.  Duplie will automatically track bounces, SPAM and other undeliverables.  If you have Email Tracking enabled on your instance, we will also track when a recipeint Opens the email, Clicks on a link in the email and when they Respond (or sign up) for the event.


Event Invite Summary
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Email Campiagns

These are built under Site and Email Campaigns.  There you can build your list of recipeints to email and specify a custom subject and message with dynamic text.  When email campaigns are sent, we also track delivery (success, bounces, SPAM, etc.) and Opens/Clicks.  You can see the summary on the email campaign listing page.

Email Campaign List
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